Eastern European Refinery & Chemicals Plant
A large refinery and petrochemical complex in Eastern Europe had been built during the Russian Occupation
The Company wanted a software tool to manage the integrity of all process static equipment, pipework, rotating equipment, safety valves and control valves at its refinery and chemical complex in Bulgaria.
An easy to manage, update and maintain model was essential to ensure that local operation could be undertaken safely and correctly with minimal need for external consultants. The tool was required to operate in Bulgarian because the plant personnel did not have sufficient English language skills to operate a program in English.
T-OCA was identified as the most appropriate tool and Tischuk International prepared a version that operated in Bulgarian and included support for Cyrillic characters.
The work plan included:
- Technology transfer by Tischuk International to the local consultants and refinery staff.
- Total implementation by local consultants and refinery staff.

Working from 2004 to 2011, the team carried out RBI assessments on 37 Production Units including:
· 4004 Static Equipment Tags
· 9237 Piping Tags
· 113 Rotating Equipment Items
· 1119 Pressure Safety Valves
· 1645 Control Valves
The RBI project included the following main objectives:
1. To provide basic training to familiarize personnel with RBI methodologies and terminology
2. To provide a consistent and repeatable approach to integrity management for all production units.
3. To review inspection history and ensure that all equipment and piping were compliant with Bulgarian legal inspection requirements.
- The RBI team, using T-OCA met all of the project objectives. The RBI assessments were then updated with inspection results and long term integrity management plans were developed for the facility